Our story

Supporting families in Reading since 1984

Home-Start Reading is one of more than 180 local Home-Starts across the UK. All independent charities but working to standards set by Home-Start UK, we follow their principles of providing families with compassionate, confidential help and expert support, starting at home.

We support families living in Reading borough who have at least one child under five and are struggling due to a range of reasons. Most of the parents we work with are facing a complex mix of issues, compounded by a sense of isolation. 

The core of our work is our Home Visiting service, where families benefit from the support of a dedicated volunteer, often a parent themselves. Once they have completed their training, the volunteer will spend two to three hours with a family each week, usually for at least six months, by which time most parents are feeling better able to cope. 

Our co-ordinators match volunteers with families, check in with both sides regularly and are always there to provide help or reassurance.

We also run courses and Family Group sessions to support parents directly as as well as co-ordinating distribution of donated gifts, arranging outings and more.

All our services help parents build their confidence, capabilities and resilience, so they can do their best for their family.