Lend a hand

Can you help us?

Home-Start Reading has been supporting families with young children since 1984. Home-Start's work isn't easy to summarise because essentially we do whatever is needed on a case by case basis. We support the isolated, we model parenting for people who maybe haven't had a good example themselves as children, we help others to access the services they need to survive. We are shoulder to cry on and a helping hand of friendship at times when people feel like they don't have anyone to turn to.

And now we could really do with a helping hand. Reading is a prosperous town, with many large businesses that set aside certain funds for their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Although only 3% of charitable donations made in the UK go to small local charities like us, the small charity sector is responsible for 73% of the county's front line charitable work.  We may be small, but we are mighty at making a difference – and with increased local fundraising that difference could be so much greater.

Do you know anyone that works in one of those local businesses? We don’t need promises of support, but just a name and email address to send information through to about what we do, so that they at least have a local choice. If you can offer any leads, I’d be so grateful to hear from you jude@home-start-reading.org.uk

Thank you.