As you are probably aware, we recently had to pause our referral pathway.

During this period, apart from not accepting new referrals, it has been business as usual. We’ve been working through our waiting list for volunteers, linking families with support, delivering Family Group and Mums in Mind sessions and recruiting and training new volunteers.

We now feel confident that we’re ready to accept new referrals. Our referral form is up on the website again and we’re keen to get back to normal.

Please bear in mind that, to keep our waiting lists at a realistic and safe level, we may need to decline some requests for support. This will be influenced by the potential availability of compatible volunteers and course or group spaces. To streamline the process, it would help if you could be as specific as possible about the support you hope we can provide for each family you refer to us.

If you have any questions, you’re welcome to contact me at kelly@home-start-reading.org.uk or on 0118 956 0050.

Thank you for your kind words of support and your patience during this time.


Kelly Dadd, Manager